Connie Yeaster


Direct Line: (810) 639-1988
My Email:

My name is Connie Yeaster and I have been in the Real Estate Business for 25 years with the past 17 as a Broker/Owner of Independent Realty, Inc., located in Montrose, MI.  

My dream as a young adult was to become a realtor, but it took man years to fulfill that dream while raising our two children and tying other adventures with my husband.

I was raised here, met my husband here and built a life while raising our two children in our small town of Montrose, Ml. I love it here and plan to be here until the Good Lord calls me to my forever home.

I have been very active in the schools, church and community activities through my lifetime. I strive to help make our community a brighter place to live in and add a touch of holiday magic inside and out for every holiday there is at my office and home.

I LOVE Real Estate. I am sure there have been a few times that I might not want to venture through again, but this was my destiny and suites me very well. Helping people with the listing and selling of their homes gives you such a feeling of accomplishment - something you cannot buy.

Stop in and visit. We are here to help you with all your Real Estate needs.